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Three Months and You're Mine (In Too Deep) Page 4

  Anyway, I was hoping my plan would work and I wouldn't have to worry about me and Surfer Guy or him and the Barbie he was with at all. I strategically moved closer and closer to Zack and his current companion until I thought I was in his peripheral vision. I had just led the guy I was dancing with halfway across the room one step at a time, so it was nothing to get him to kiss me. I just reached up and put my hand around the back of his head, and kissed him.

  It was packed, the music was blaring, and nobody was paying attention to us. All I could do was hope that a make out session on the dance floor would be enough to catch Zack's eye. I'd positioned myself where I thought I had the best shot at catching his attention, but I knew it was a real possibility that he wouldn't even notice us. I kissed the guy for a good, long minute before I felt a hand like a vice grip on my shoulder. I'd been expecting it, hoping for it, but it still startled me and made me gasp. I looked up to see an angry Zack staring at the guy I'd been kissing. The guy started to protest, but backed off when he saw how serious Zack was.

  Zack stormed off, holding me by the arm with a good amount of force. Somehow the numbness I felt from the alcohol and loud music made his brute force feel good to my nerve endings. I found that I loved the feel of his strong hand around my arm. He looked back at me.

  "What were you thinking?" he asked. His face was a mask of frustration. He had the bluest, ice blue eyes that shone bright even in the dim light of the club. He turned, and continued stalking off in the direction of the table. I stopped in my tracks, and he jerked to a stop before turning and looking at me like I was crazy. I was so glad he was mad, but I had to continue the charade, so I acted disappointed about being ripped away from the kiss.

  "I was having fun, that's what I was thinking. I just managed to lose Collin. I didn't expect you to sweep in and play the role of asshole."

  "You're the one who's making an asshole of yourself letting that guy stick his grubby little tongue in your face."

  "His tongue wasn't grubby. It was soft and wet, and if you want to know the truth, I loved having it shoved in my face." I was lying, but Zack was obviously pissed off, and I was in the mood to push him.

  He looked sickened by the idea of me with that guy, and maybe it made me a bad person, but I loved seeing him in that state. I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling as I waited to see what he'd say next. He started to say something, then changed his mind and thought for a second before saying, "Collin would have gone crazy if he'd seen his little sister out there being a ho."

  I gasped and shoved at his chest hard enough for him to have to take a step back. "Well, for your information, I didn't need rescuing," I said. I tried to look angry, but it was hard when he was so beautiful. Those eyes were just mesmerizing. I tore my gaze away and looked around him, pretending to search for the other guy. He moved in front of me and took me by the shoulders.

  "You can just forget about it."

  "You can't tell me what to do, Zack. Neither can my brother. I don't know what makes either of you think you have the right."

  "You said you weren't going to mess around for three months, remember?"

  He was looking at me like he was totally serious, so it really took him by surprise when I busted out laughing. "No, you’re a little confused. I said I wanted to sleep with you. You said I have to wait three months. Nobody said anything about what I can or can't do in the meantime."

  I realized he still had a light grip on my shoulders and I jerked out of it defiantly. I looked at him, waiting to hear what he had to say.

  "I'm your friend, and I don't want you making a fool of yourself."

  "Oh, well, I appreciate your concern, Zack, but I'm a big girl and I know what I'm doing. Maybe sometimes I'm okay with acting the fool."

  Zack threw his hands up in frustration. I could tell he was close to giving up on me. He made like he was going to walk away, and I stuttered out a few words in an effort to get him to stay. "You're, I think you're right. I'm sort of glad you did that."

  He gave me a sideways stare asking me to explain.

  I couldn't tell him I'd only kissed the guy to make him jealous in the first place.

  I shrugged. "I was just mad that you came and broke us up, so I overreacted. I wasn't that into it if you want to know the truth." I gave him a sheepish grin. "I'm sorry," I said. "Maybe you did rescue me a little."

  "That's even worse, Meredith. I can't believe you were acting like that and you weren't even into it. What do you do if you like a guy? Just go ahead and get it on in the club in front of everybody?" He was looking at me with more than a hint of disappointment, and it made me really regret my techniques. I'd managed to make him think I was a total slut when in reality I was a freaking virgin. Go figure.

  I wasn't quite ready to tell him I was untouched, so there was nothing I could really say to defend my actions on the dance floor. My only choice was to stun him with the truth. "I just kissed him to make you jealous," I said.

  Zack huffed out a laugh, letting me know he thought I was joking.

  "It's true. I was mad that you were paying attention to that girl, who isn't even as pretty as me, by the way. I just picked a guy and kissed him hoping you'd come tear us apart."

  Zack's eyes narrowed and he looked me over. "Let me get this straight… You wanted to see if I'd stop you from embarrassing yourself and I did. Is it as good as you imagined?"

  "Not even close," I said.

  He gave me an injured look. "What am I missing? The white horse?"

  "The kiss."

  "The kiss?"

  "I imagined a kiss. I thought you might drag me off to a dark corner where you could show me how a real man kissed a girl."

  "Don't tempt me, Meredith."


  "You know what. I can't play along. Your brother would mur-der me."

  I shrugged shyly and stared up at him through my lashes. "It's my birthday, Zack."

  "It's my birthday too."

  "Even better. We both deserve a birthday kiss."

  "I thought you've already had yours."

  "That one didn't count."

  Zack laughed. "If what you were doing back there doesn't count as kissing, I'd be curious to see what your definition of kissing is."

  "That's not the reason it doesn't count," I said. "That was definitely a kiss, it just didn't count because I didn't want to be kissing him. Zack stood there and took me in. His expression was slightly puzzled.

  I shamelessly stared at his perfect, chiseled face. His dark brown hair was almost black in the club lighting, but his blue eyes reflected what little light there was. They took my breath away. I did what any girl in her right mind would do. I reached up and grabbed the back of his head, pulling it down so our mouths could meet in a kiss. My lips hit his harder than I expected, but that's because he was giving me no resistance whatsoever. He backed me into a nearby wall, and stood over me continuing the kiss the entire time we moved.

  "If we get caught, I'm telling him you started it," Zack said.

  "Who cares?" I said. I felt reckless, and I wanted him to quit talking and keep kissing me.

  "It's still three months, and your brother can not find out."

  No sooner had he said it than I heard my brother's voice coming from behind Zack. "What the hell Zack?"

  I closed my eyes and let out a defeated breath. The sound of my sigh made Zack take his eyes off my brother and look down at me. "Go ahead and tell him it's all my fault," I whispered. "No doubt he assumes it's true anyway." Zack turned toward Collin, leaving me protected at his back. He put a hand out to stop Collin from advancing on us. The gesture made me feel like there was about to be a fight.

  "What's it matter, Collin?" I said, walking around Zack and standing between the two of them. They were so much bigger than me it was almost comical. I wasn't intimidated. I stared up at Collin with utter defiance in my eyes. "I tricked him into kissing me because it's my birthday and I wanted to be kissed—and I like Zack, so you can
just mind your own business." Collin looked at Zack.

  They stared each other down for a few tense seconds before Collin spoke. He never took his eyes off Zack. "Keep your hands off her."

  I stomped on my brother's foot to get his attention. "Shit Meredith, what's your problem?"

  "My problem is that I'm in my twenties and you're still acting like you have some sort of authority over me, Collin. I wanted to kiss Zack, so I did it. It was really good, too. I definitely think I'll do it again."

  "You're not going to do it again." He shifted his gaze to Zack. "She's not going to do it again, right?"

  Zack held us his hands in surrender as he scooted past Collin headed back toward the dance floor. "Whatever, boss. You need to chill a little bit, though."

  And just like that Zack was gone.

  My freaking older brother! I could have just screamed! Collin had the nerve to look perturbed, like he'd been inconvenienced. "What in a mother fucking thousand universes makes you think you have the right to tell me who I can and can't kiss Collin?"

  There was a few seconds of silence. "Not Zack, Meredith." Collin was looking at me with such a sweet, sincere expression, and doing a good job of it too. "I know you're all grown up, and I'm not trying to keep up with your every move. I just love you and I care about your feelings, and well, just please no Zack, okay?" He was saying it with such tenderness that it was hard to keep hating him, even though he humiliated me in front of Zack.

  I looked back at him with what I hoped was an equal amount of sincerity. "I'm just friends with Zack." I was basically surrendering, but I'd figured I'd just do it again as soon as his back was turned. What could he do to us?

  "He'll hurt you Mere. He's had too many girls to care abo—"

  "I don't want to hear about any of that," I said. I clapped my hands over my ears. "I'm the one who does the hurting around here, Collin. I wish you could see that."

  "I don't doubt it, Meredith. You're beautiful. Guys love you. Whatever. Just listen to me when I say you're out of your league with Zack. Seriously. Leave him alone. Please Mere."

  "God Collin, you don't have to get all dramatic. I kissed your friend—get over it," I said.

  I turned on my heel, and started stalking off in the direction Zack had gone. "I'll probably do it again," I added from over my shoulder. I don't think he heard me because he was already talking to Rachel. I found Gretchen on the dance floor and told her I was planning on taking a cab to get my car. I didn't lie and say I wasn't feeling well or anything. I told her the truth. "I'm pissed at my brother so I'm gonna make him feel bad by leaving early and not taking the limo back with you guys."

  "Oh come on," Gretchen said. "I'm sure it can't be all that bad."

  "It's no big deal. I'll probably hang here a little longer, but I'm seriously not taking the limo back with you guys. I just wanted you to know so nobody worried about me."

  "Everyone's going to worry about you if you're not with us, Mere. Just stay with us. You don't have to sit by Collin in the limo if you don't want to."

  "It's not just Collin. I kissed Zack. That's what this is all about."

  "You did?" Gretchen asked, a little confused. "Zack just came up to me and told me if I see you to tell you to meet him at the booth."

  "Me, Zack, me? He said for me to meet him? Meredith?"

  Gretchen measured my excitement and replied cautiously. "Yeah, he asked for you, Meredith, to meet him at the booth. I'm not too sure I should have told you that now that I know Collin's gunning for him, though."

  "He's not, it's cool. It's all good. Hey, thanks for the message." I couldn't stand it another second. My words were coming out a mile a minute, as I scooted around her and took off through the crowded club to the booth.

  As I approached, I could see that Zack was standing at the edge of it talking with Bailey, Caleb, and Cali. The three of them were stars of the show I'd be working on. The Paradise Island people seemed to gravitate toward each other when we all hung out, and I wondered if I'd be part of the group once I started working there.

  I only had a few seconds to think about the show before Zack turned. He smiled when he caught sight of me, which made me feel all hot and melty inside. I tried to compose myself so nobody could tell how nervous I was in his presence.

  Chapter 6


  Collin got all swole when he caught me kissing his sister. I expected as much, but it still sucked to get reprimanded by one of my friends in a club. It wasn't that big of a deal, though. Basically, all I did was tell him what he wanted to hear and walk off before he had the chance to stop me. I hated to leave Meredith with a mess to clean up, but she struck me as the type who would be able to stick up for herself.

  As I walked across the club toward our table, I came across Gretchen. She was talking to a couple of girls I didn't recognize. She introduced them as friends from UCLA, and I shook hands with both of them. I couldn't help but notice that neither of them were as cute as Meredith. I recalled the sight of her gorgeous little pixie face, and all sorts of urges started coursing through my body. I looked around the club, at the girls in my immediate vicinity, and realized to my own horror that Meredith Blake was the hottest girl there.

  This could easily get messy.

  "Hey," I said to Gretchen before I walked off, "Collin's little sister was looking for me. Something about our birthday I think. If you see her, tell her I'm at the table for a little while."

  "I'll tell her if I see her," she said. She reached out to hug me. "Are you enjoying your birthday so far?"

  I smiled at her. "Best birthday ever."

  I made my way to the booth, where I stood talking to the soap stars. Meredith walked up not even three minutes later. The way she looked left me breathless. It was weird, though, because I'd never been attracted to someone like her. I definitely wouldn't consider her beautiful in a traditional way, but the combination of her features really did it for me. I smiled at her as she approached, and she returned the smile, looking excited to reconnect after our unfortunate separation.

  "That was close," she said.

  "I know, huh? But just so you know, he's right."

  "What? Who?"

  "Your brother. He's right about me. You should definitely stay away."

  "You must already know that telling me that just makes me want to do the opposite."

  I shrugged. "Don't say I didn't warn you, though, Meredith. I'm telling you right now, I mess around with a lot of girls."

  Now Meredith shrugged. "There's something you should know about me, Zack. It's a true story that happens to be incentive for you. I am utterly incapable of falling in love."

  I looked at her like she was spewing lies.

  "I'm serious," she continued. "I can be totally obsessed with a guy. Like head over heels in loooove—obsessed, and the second he loves me back, I'm done. I'm not kidding. It's like a switch flips. As soon as a guy likes me back and the challenge is over, I am incapable of having feelings for him anymore. It's happened like twenty times over the years. I kid you not. You can ask my brother if I've ever had a serious boyfriend, he'll tell you no."

  "Sounds like you're a little playa," I said.

  She looked offended. "You think I want to be like this? As far as I'm concerned, it's a freaking medical condition. I'm probably never going to be able to get married or have a family. Thankfully, it happens to work in my favor in this case. I'm telling you the secret right now Zack, if you want to get rid of me all you have to do is act like you really like me."

  The girl was constantly surprising me. For whatever reason, I actually believed her little speech, which made me think that her proposal of no strings sex might actually be legit. We were standing, and the club was extremely loud, so we couldn't be overheard. I decided it wouldn't be the end of the world if I flirted with her a little. Plus, she was so freaking cute, that I wouldn't have been able to ignore her if I tried.

  "If I'm gonna be giving you lessons, we've got to start with that kiss," I s

  She'd been looking into the crowd, but her head whipped around when I said that. "You're giving me lessons?" she asked.

  Her eyes were alight with excitement, and I wanted so badly to tell her I'd be teaching everything she needed to know within the next eight hours or so. I didn't say that, however. Instead I said, "I'm giving you a lesson about kissing. I didn't say anything about the other."

  "Now that's just not right. If you're taking me on as a student, then it's for the full term."

  "I heard you didn't care about finishing school," I said.

  "Ouch, Zack. That was low."

  "You're right, I'm sorry. That was a terrible thing to say." I smiled at her. "Just don't quit school next time, and I won't have to say it."

  She slapped my shoulder. "Go ahead and doubt me like everyone else," she said. "I'm gonna have so much fun showing you all what I'm made of."

  I laughed as I grabbed her and pulled her next to me. "I'm definitely not betting against you," I said.

  "But are you betting on me?"

  "I think I am."

  "So how about those lessons?"

  "Oh, you trying to slip that in while you're on a roll?"

  She shrugged. "Might as well."

  "I'm still not convinced about the whole three month thing, but for tonight, we'll have a lesson on kissing. From what I saw with you and the guy on the dance floor, you need to learn a little patience. I'd like to see your technique from start to finish, so we'll figure out someone for you to approach, and I'll watch you from start to finish."

  Her jaw dropped. "You want to watch me kiss someone else? Gross Zack. Is that what does it for you? What are you? Some kind of porn star?"

  I laughed. "It doesn't do anything for me at all, I promise you that. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'll hate seeing you kiss someone else since you're the hottest girl in here tonight."

  "If I'm so hot, and you'll hate to see me kissing someone else, then why don't you just teach me yourself?"