Finding the Magic (Tom Kelly's Boys Book 1) Read online

Page 9

  "I thought I told you to be wet when I got in here."

  I almost said, "I am wet," making a joke, but decided against it. "I didn't have time," I said instead. "I don't think that was three minutes."

  His shirt was unbuttoned, the same way it had been when I first got here. I felt utterly exposed compared to him, and I put my arms in front of me to sort of shield myself.

  He gave me a disapproving look. "What's that all about?"

  "I'm shy," I said. "You're standing there with your clothes on, and I'm used to doing it in the dark, anyway."

  He closed his eyes and shook his head as if he didn't want to hear anymore. "I don't need to hear about what you're used to," he hesitated. "And just for that, we're keeping the lights on."

  I glanced at the tub, which was rapidly filling up. "I like your bathtub," I said.

  "That's too bad," he said.


  "Because you missed your chance to get in there."

  "What's that supposed to mean?" I watched as he crossed to the faucet and turned it off and then looked at me.

  "It means the bath will have to wait."

  Yes, yes, yes! I wanted to run to him and jump into his arms to be carted off to a magical bed somewhere, but I just stood there trying not to seem too eager. He crossed over to me and stopped when he was no more than a foot from me. The pounding beat of the music seemed to mimic my pounding heart. I stared into the front of his open shirt at the rows of sculpted muscles and then glanced up at him.

  He smiled and then turned to walk into the bedroom, pulling me behind him. He stopped when we got near the bed and looked over at me. "Go ahead and lay down in the middle of it."

  I didn't know what else to do so I just obeyed. I climbed onto the bed and laid on my side with my head propped on my elbow.

  "Do you know how beautiful you are? Your face drives me insane, Addie." He looked me over appreciatively. "You look like you're made of porcelain."

  I was terrible at getting a tan, which wasn't really an issue in New York, but in Miami, everyone thought I looked like Snow White. I smiled and when I did, he studied my face.

  "It's your mouth."

  I touched a hand to my lips. "What about it?" I asked.

  "I want it on me."

  I smiled and so did he, but he didn't move. "Lick your lips."


  "You heard me. Let me see you lick your lips."

  I bit at my lower lip shyly before I let my tongue run along the bottom a little bit. Kade was never so bold as to ask me to do things like that and I felt a rush of warmth and desire at the sheer unfamiliarity of it.

  "Do it again—one more time."

  I ran my tongue across my lower lip again, feeling giddy with anticipation as he watched me intently.

  "Now ask me to take my shirt off."

  "Please would you?" I asked. He looked me over before peeling back his shirt. I had seen the whole package before, so I knew what to expect, but good God, he was just beautiful.

  "What'd you say?" he asked, cocking his head and looking at me confused.

  "Nothing," I said, thinking he was serious.

  "Oh, because I thought you asked me to take off my pants too."

  "I did."

  He nodded and unclasped his leather belt before unbuttoning the fly of his jeans one button at a time. He slipped them off, leaving on a pair of boxer briefs that left nothing to the imagination. His body was impeccable, and I wanted desperately to get my hands on it. I craved his touch so badly that I was in real danger of bounding off the bed and into his arms.

  "Come sit on the edge of the bed," he said. I sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed, but kept my legs tucked behind me. "Turn around and let your feet hang off the edge of the bed." He watched as I did as he said and then he moved to stand between my legs.

  The bed was just tall enough that my legs lined up with the middle of his waist, and he wrapped me around him, holding me securely in place. His big hands ran from my knees up the sides of my thighs and down, between my backside and the bed before coming back up my thighs again.

  The rap music pulsed, and our breathing and subtle movements started to respond to the rhythm. He let his hands roam over my legs, arms, and back, and I leaned into his touch. He took me by the hips and forced me to scoot forward until I was at the very edge of the bed. Then he quickly moved in front of me, pushing against me to hold me in place.

  I tentatively ran my hands along his sides and around onto his back. His skin was soft and warm, and I couldn't get enough of the feel of hard muscle underneath soft skin. He pulled me forward by the backside at the same time that he pushed his own hips toward me, and geez, I needed him so bad. I felt like anything that happened between now and the moment he was inside me was a complete waste of time. I couldn't take it any longer. I wrapped my hands around his back and pulled, trying to get him to come on the bed with me.

  "Oh no you don't," he said.

  "What?" I asked. "I just want you so bad."

  "Well you don't make the rules in this bedroom, I do."

  "Then can you please get on the bed with me so I can touch your body? I feel like I might die if I don't get my hands on you."

  He looked at the ceiling as if to pray for patience. "Get on your back," he said. I smiled as I scurried to the middle of the huge bed, and he climbed in behind me. He picked up his phone from the bedside table, and I started to be offended until I realized that he was using it to change the music and turn down the lights.

  "Did you just set the mood with your phone?" I asked, unable to hide a smile. "How very Casanova of you."

  "You have no idea," he said. I knew it was the truth, but I didn't want to hear about what a player he was. I held my hands up in surrender. "Actually, I don't want to hear about it."

  He climbed into the bed looking at me with a sweet, sincere expression. His eyes roamed over me appreciatively before making eye contact again. I could tell by the rise and fall of his broad chest that he struggled to control his breathing.

  "None of that matters, anyway. I don't know if I've ever wanted someone like I want you right now."

  Chapter 13

  "Drake?" I said.

  He looked at me, waiting for me to continue.

  "Nothing," I said.

  He smiled. "What?"

  "Nothing," I insisted.

  "Tell me. What were you going to say?"


  He climbed on top of me, knocking me onto my back in a fit of giggles. "Tell me or else."

  "It was stupid."

  "What was it?"

  "I just wanted to say thanks for inviting me to stay. I've had fun tonight."

  He hovered over me and my gaze roamed over his chest and face, stopping at the glorious little indention at his collarbone. I was embarrassed by what I'd just said, and I hadn't made eye contact since it came out of my mouth.

  "Hey," he said.

  I looked at him and he smiled. "I'm glad you stayed. And just so you know, I wanted to end up on top of you like this from the first moment I saw you."

  I looked down at his mostly-naked body propped over mine. I smiled up at him and he leaned down to whisper in my ear.

  "I want you to know what you do to me," he said.

  Then, in one fluid motion, he climbed on top of me, straddling me. He supported the weight of his upper body with his arms, but he let his hips and legs lay on top of me, and I relished the pressure. It took me a second to remember that he was supposed to be showing me what I did to him, but he made that clear when he pressed his hard length into my thigh. I wanted him so badly that I wiggled and squirmed underneath him. He smiled down at me. "What's that all about?"

  "I just want you."

  "Well guess what, Addie. You’re about to get me."

  "When?" I asked breathlessly. "Now?"

  "Do you want me now?"


  "Say it."


  "Tell me you want me."

  "I want you," I said.

  "You can say it better than that," he said, teasing me with a little thrust of his hips.

  "I want you really bad," I repeated, desperately. "I wanted you the first second I laid eyes on you." I took a shaky breath. "Now please give it to me." I thrust my hips forward, encouraging him.

  The music continued around us, and he began to slowly move with the beat. His movements were subtle at first, but I responded, moving along with him until our bodies were engaged in an erotic dance that pulsed with the beat.

  He hovered over me and his hair was long enough to hang down on the side of my face. I reached up and took a handful of it. I gave it a slight tug toward me, but it seemed like he was already planning on going that direction, because it took no effort on my part to pull him down.

  He put his lips on mine with a kiss that was more like a hot brand. He kissed me with a bruising force that left me aching to get even closer to him. I needed to feel more of him on me, around me, in me. My body needed him in a way I didn't know was possible—a sexual electricity that I had never experienced before. Words couldn't adequately convey how I felt. Neither yearning nor aching accurately described it. I was dying to get closer to him.

  My skin was alive with electric pulses as we moved in unison and ground our hips together. He broke the kiss and pulled back to look at me. "Addison," he said. "I'm putting on a condom. When I get back I want the underwear to disappear."

  His Jamaican accent thickened when he said it making him seem almost barbaric in some delicious way. Deliciously barbaric. I must have been smiling at the thought because he smiled back and bent to put another kiss on my lips before moving to the edge of the bed where he sat up with his back to me.

  I instantly went to work taking off my bra and panties. I covered my chest with one arm and used the other to cover the area between my thighs. He took off his boxer shorts and put the condom on while I was busy undressing, and by the time I finished, he climbed on top of me again.

  "I'll tell you how it's gonna go, Addison."

  Just the sound of those words coming from him made me fidgety with anticipation.

  "How's that?" I asked, biting my lip.

  He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and ran a hand through his hair to get it off his face. "First," he said, with a fierce expression. "I need to see your body, so you're gonna have to move your arms. Second, you go biting your lip like that, and your gonna make me skip to the part where I'm all the way inside you."

  "All the way?" I asked, smiling and thinking it was cute that he'd specify how far in. He just looked at me confidently as if he was letting me enjoy my amusement.

  "Yes all the way," he said. "As in, I'm going to bury myself in you all the way. I'm gonna go in all the way, and then—when I can't go any further, I'm gonna push a little harder and go in some more."

  I took an unsteady breath that made him smile at me. "But don't worry, Kitten, I won't hurt you. And if I do, all you have to do is tell me and I'll stop."

  He was the perfect combination of gentleman and barbarian, soft and rough, comfortable and fierce. He was a work of art and I needed to put my hands on him more than I'd ever needed anything in my life.

  "I'm not worried," I said. I smiled at him and bit at my lip again, on purpose this time. "And I like it when you call me Kitten," I whispered shyly.

  He bent to whisper in my ear. "That's because you are a kitten."

  I wiggled underneath him. "You're right, I am."

  "I'm always right," he said smiling. He gripped his piece, and ran the tip of it along the crease of my opening. He used no force whatsoever, and the gentleness made me crazy with desire. I wanted him inside me so desperately that I pushed down on him, encouraging him to go deeper. The tip of his erection slipped past my opening and he continued to move it up and down along my center.

  "You're ready for me," he said with a little smile.

  "That's an understatement." I said. I bit my lower lip again—this time sort of by accident. Suddenly, I felt the searing pain of utter intrusion and I shuttered around him for a second before realizing what I thought was pain originally turning into a gut wrenching pleasure that nearly made me cry out.

  I whimpered and he bit at my ear before whispering into it. "Are you okay," he asked.

  I nodded. "Did you just push yourself all the way inside me?"

  He laid heavier on me, keeping me still and totally filled underneath him. "Yes I did," he whispered in my ear.

  The feel of his breath on my ear combined with the way he stretched me was enough to make me feel like I might crumble to pieces right there.

  "But you were asking for it with the way you bite that lip," he said.

  I smiled up at him and wrapped my hands around his sides. I let them roam down his back and onto his backside. I wanted to feel him more deeply inside me so I pulled him toward me. He pushed into me with the relentless pressure I craved, and I moved my hips, rubbing my clit against him as he bore down on me. He stayed perfectly still as I moved underneath him, forcing our bodies to grind against each other. He was altogether gorgeous and filled me so completely. That, combined with the pulsing rhythm of the music, had me teetering at the edge of orgasm. I felt like I was about to lose myself.

  He reached behind my head and grabbed the hair at the nape of my neck. "I want you to come for me," he said. "I want to see what it feels like from the inside."

  "Oh shiiiit," I said. It came out a strangled whimper, but I was only vaguely aware of that. I rode wave after wave of electric pleasure. "Ohhhhh Draaaake, it feels so good."

  I writhed underneath him until I came back to earth, at which point I got really still and opened my eyes. He smiled down at me with those amazing curved lips.

  "That was beautiful to watch, my kitten," he said.

  I smiled and turned to the side shyly.

  "Look at me," he said.

  I did and he smiled. "Are you shy when I call you my kitten?"

  "No, I'm shy when you say that was beautiful because I'm pretty sure I lost control for a second there."

  "Well, stop being shy because that was gorgeous and I'm about to show you what I thought of it."

  "How are you going to show me that?" I asked.

  "I'm gonna get this condom off and then I'm gonna come right here." He used a fingertip to draw a line from the base of my neck down onto my chest. "I'll probably put some here too." He traced another line on my chest, this one crossing the peak of my hard nipple. I pushed my chest forward. "Oh, you like that?" he asked.

  I nodded.

  "You want me to put it right there?"

  I nodded again.

  He gently pulled himself from inside me, and I shivered at how sensitive I was. "Are you okay?" he asked.

  I almost said I'd never been better, but I just smiled and nodded.

  "I want you to use your hands to push your tits together," he said.


  He sat up so he could show me. He cupped the outside of my breasts and pushed them together.

  I looked up at him, confused.

  "I'm sorry to put it like this, but have you never had your boobs fucked?"

  My eyes got wide and I shook my head. "Are you opposed to it?"

  I shook my head again even though I couldn’t really imagine what he was talking about. He pulled off the condom and tossed it to the floor before straddling me. He mounted me around my waist, and I looked down, thinking how hot it was to see him from this angle. His arms came down on either side of my head, and I got a clear view of his stomach as he leaned over me. I looked down to find that his piece was lined up in the valley between my breasts. He looked down at me and smiled patiently.

  "Oh yeah," I said smiling and remembering it was my job to push my chest together. I honestly couldn’t believe that they made it almost all the way around him. I wasn't huge, and he was well enough endowed that I thought I'd never make it around him. I pushed myself together and used my fingertips to clo
se the small gap that was left. He moved in and out of the channel I'd created, slowly at first and then with increasing pressure and speed. I loved the way he felt on my fingertips and chest as he moved.

  Drake did just as he said and placed a pearl necklace on my neck. I couldn't believe how good it felt to have him on my chest like that and I wondered why I never knew that was such a thing.

  "What's making you smile?" he asked.

  "That was fun," I said, glancing down at the warm ribbons of his seed.

  "I'll get you a towel," he said. He got off the bed and was headed to the bathroom, but I got up and followed him.

  "I think I'll just take that bath if it's all the same to you," I said. I instantly wondered if I had overstepped my bounds. Maybe he was planning on showing me the door now that we were finished. Maybe it was too much to assume that I could just get in his bathtub.

  "Not without me," he said. He tossed me a towel. "Wipe that off so we don’t get any swimmers in the bathtub."

  "Do you think that's possible?" I asked, using the towel to wipe my chest clean.

  "Anything's possible."

  Drake and I took a bath together, and it was one of those wonderful experiences like you see in the movies or imagine yourself having when you're in the bathtub alone. I, as you know, I am a hard-core fan of baths—a connoisseur if you will, and this one was off the charts. He sat behind me and I reclined into his arms. He wrapped himself around me, and spoke into my ear. We talked and laughed, and he whispered things about how beautiful I was and how he wanted me to come back again.

  I knew the chances of a repeat were slim, but that didn't stop me from enjoying the hope that came when he said it. I just assumed I would leave when we finished taking a bath, so I started to put my clothes on.

  "Why are you getting dressed?" he asked when he saw me.

  I shrugged. "I just assumed…"

  "Assumed what? That you were leaving?"

  "I guess."

  "Do you want to go?" he asked, looking a little hurt.

  I glanced around as if someone must be playing a joke on me. "I mean, I guess not, but I didn't really know how long you wanted me to st—"